"And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene,
"which, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto
"the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus. "
---Acts 11:20
When Jesus traveled in His ministry,
both from and and throughout Galilee,
He offered His Good News to anyone---
SyroPhoenician and Samaritan,
and once to some Roman centurion.
Though false disciples might attempt revision,
the Lord said, "All the world,"---His great commission.
But highbrow priest and haughty pharisee
raise their obtuse, objecting obstacles
to keep the Gospel out of Gentile souls.
Their fury should neither surprise nor shock.
They do not mind to stoop to murder, even
the way their lynch mob killed our brother, Stephen.
Far from them, we are safe in Antioch.
We shall proclaim our Lord's new covenant,
as we are led, to anyone we want.