Imprecation On Henry Tudor, Styled Henry VIII, 2

I suffer from the torments of gout, too.
But, Henry, I hope it was worse for you.
I hope you screamed in untold agonies,
small retribution for your perifidies
I hope you writhed in real excruciation---
a foretaste of your well deserved damnation.
Unworthy, you were, to be even head
of some street gang, must less of Christ's own Church.
You set a damned example, unforgiving
of that poor, young girl you condemned to die
because you were to gross to satisfy
her adolescent passion: so she turned
back to Culpepper, leaving you well spurned,
embarrased and rejected in the lurch.
With little thought of Catherine Howard, dead,
and small compassion toward her while still living,
you had nothing to boast of, having mastered
only the worthlessness of some born bastard:
although you parents were, happily, married---
the life they gave you was badly miscarried,
and carried to far worse by your first daughter
who sent many more innocents to slaughter.

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