Love As Infinity

Love As Infinity

The quiet settles in as surface
reflection, subtle quicksand sinking
takes the breath, life faulters,
knows there will be no light
again at the end of this entity
once named love.


There are dust motes, sand grains
numbered on every beach, an
exact number of attached hairs
on the heads of ten people
in a room, and then there is the sum
of the heartbeats in our love song.


Take a star, any star, calculate
the distance from my emotional state
this hour to the surface of that
star’s best world. A measure here
of sighs at ten per hour of travel
approaches the wonder felt when
you are touching me.




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bishu's picture

A very nice "Allets" to choose and paste for all to enjoy

A very nice "Allets" to choose and paste for all to enjoy.This post renders a wide angle view of togetherness ... Feels like gazing at "heart's actions & hues" from far away through the mirrored telescope of words. Thank you Mr 9inety. ~An awed Fan~



allets's picture


Reposted with permission. Really cool! ~slc~
