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when I was born the Doctor said,  “I would have big hands”.

strong hands

hands that understand
understand me

mine have their own rhythm

mine are scarred and knarly

rough and calloused

quick to make a fist

slow to record a list


I understand
their last chance

at a lucky lesson of a hand to be played 
the revolving doors of their liaisons laid
until they point in the wrong directions

hail a cab for my corrections
they will drink for two

and sleep separately

they will bring my idiosyncrasies some favored tokens

echo the claps
of clapping hands

they will grab for me with fingers interlaced

then forgive me, my pleasure

notice me rubbing them

while the pain expands to soon

stiff and swelling

but, I still believe in the unknown

the future is in my own hands

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my feelings about RA

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TheLadyBlue's picture

I like

I love your outlook and the powerful way you ended this poem. Very well done

nightlight1220's picture

Leaves me feeling so

Leaves me feeling so peaceful.... loved this 9inety. 

.....almost like it as much as "the poet alone". A close tie. Love 9inety is the score. ;-)

..or I think maybe it's "9inety love" they would say in tennis. 

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "