Is something burning?

in the clan of inclement pallor
a crew that won't win any medals for valor

do you sniff brimstone
well, you are not alone

such excruciating hunger
in-between infinity

and endless affliction
feel the unearthly times

times like these
an ever-present condition

like a habit, with itchy rituals
sewn to your skin

with no circadian intension
sharp teeth chew slowly

tears blur your wincing eyes
pain punishes the senses

perdition making tiny holes in your once pure soul
within the domain of the devious

feel the tremors of temptation
in your open throat

where torment burns on your lying tongue
swallow the faithless unfaithfully

can you tell that smell
even silhouettes will slump on the walls of hell

no pleas for absolution will be entertained
while iniquity makes its home in your brain

it is that thing that happens when it hits the blades
in another words if you don't cut the shit you're going to Hades

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the devil made me do it!

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Sunlight's picture

Deep! Is this hell or the

Deep! Is this hell or the world we are currently living in?

9inety's picture


it is a toss up, you decide,
I'll leave it your imagination,

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

SSmoothie's picture

My ears were burning!

LOL! great poem! A bit harsh!!! What happened to redemption? as always well worth the read! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

9inety's picture

the devil

don't give no redemption...



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot