Variations in the Moon

Preoccupation with details.

Sometimes it is hard to feel

anything but numbness.

It is hard to feel

carefree and mischievous.

Detachment casts dark shadows.

What if all you feel in emotion

are products of lunar hegemony?

Some sugary sentimentality

and minutiae of domesticity

until there is no burning

involved with passion.

Notice the moon assign blame.

Know that, " the unexamined life is not worth living."

Look into the orb;

let it shine back into you.

Prosperity or sorrow

it all shifts.

It all shifts, second to second,

minute to minute,

hour to hour,

day to day,

month to month,

year to year, breath to breath.

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nightlight1220's picture

This has me

This has me chuckling..(because it ain't just 'hard', ninety...nowadays it's outright dangerous!! lol)


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Powerful poem, but the last few lines, showing the process of time, make for an almost in describable conclusion, and drive the poem's message to the furthest degree.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

Dawn Hays's picture

First I wanted to thankyou for your comments on my poetry. I would like to hear more of what you think! This poem absolutely describes how we forget to savor the beauty in life. How sometimes the monotony of daily life blurs what should truely be important. Thankyou for reminding me to examine life, "prosperity or sorrow it all shifts..."
You are an amazing writer, and I am extremely flattered that you enjoyed my work. Keep writing!