Light Is A Flame

In Your Writing

Light is a flame to burn the eyes of disbelievers

Staring into the face of their own arrogance

Your logic could not douse their fear

Their fear could never hear your logic, anyway

To illuminate the truth in their darkness

Would make them shut their eyes

You could unravel every argument they've prepared

And yet they cry that you lie

What's wrong with people?

Why do they gouge their eyes

Just to try and prove you wrong

In the face of burning light?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A super passive-aggressive teenager thing, just don't worry about it.

But seriously!!??! What's wrong with people?

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you've met my relatives. Just joking. But sometimes convincing anyone to do anything they don't think up or think is right is usually wasted breath. Unless you are their supervisor at work. Then they have to. :D