I can't wait to
tickle your soft feet
while you're lying
on your back
I can only imagine to
see you smiling
at angels I can't see
I long to stay up
at night
to watch you staring
at the ceiling fan
I'm waiting to
hear your first
laugh when Mommy
does funny things
I can only imagine
the day I hear
you call me "Ma"
I can only pray
for that day to
come when I can say
"I'm going to have
a baby"
I can only imagine
my life with you
I've dreamt of you
when all my hope
has been lost
You have made me
recover when
I was sorely injured
I can't wait
for my life to start
with you
i know u can't wait and make sure the dad of the one u cant wait for to be born will be there always by your side
Beautifully written and from the heart. What a mother you will be!!...God bless you...
Oh my gosh Mel, this one gave me tears. You better invite me to your baby shower! Val