I'm watching you,
even though I am not there.
I won't let anything stand in your way.
I am the love that will save you.
I am returning the love you gave
to me before I died.
Watch me as I fly away.
The bird, I mean.
No, the world is not ending.
You have all your life.
Before someone gets to him,
go and get him.
Don't let him slide from your love.
I'm watching you.
Go for it.
Give him your love.
And you'll have it back.
They told you I died.
But it's a lie.
I'm right next to you.
Yes, I'm right next to you.
Don't be frightened.
I'm here to tell you that
everything will be alright.
And that there's no reason to be afraid.
I can't tell you when this'll
all be over.
But let it last.
He knows your cries and your fears.
And you know that you need to show more.
More of what is positive in this life.
I'm not leaving you.
I'll be right back.
Do it quickly.
Be happy.
Before time runs out.
And when you're happy,
I'll be there.
That was scary, but it doesn't mean you're weird. You are just blessed with the gift to write beautiful poetry. Embrace it.