It's all about the Why

Why am I lucky?
Why am I not?
Why all these questions?
Is there a plot?

Why do they love me?
What do they see?
Why don’t I see it?
See it in me.

Why am I lonely?
Feel so alone.
In a world full of houses,
where is my home?

What is my future?
Will it be as my past?
For how much longer,
will this emptiness last?

What should I take,
to see a return?
What must I lose,
in order to learn?

Why am I broken?
Can I be repaired?
What is the truth that,
of which I am scared?

What must I do?
Why am I weak?
Where is the cliff,
from which I must leap?

Why does it hurt?
I can't see the knife?
Why do I sit here,
hating my life?

Why so much anger,
at all who abide?
The anger is mine
It’s from me that I hide.

What purpose this torment,
I find myself in?
What did I do,
What was my sin?

Should I be happy,
Just as I am,
accept that the emptiness,
Is part of ‘gods’ plan?

Should I seek comfort,
and not ask the ‘why’?
Can I find all the answers
if its based on a lie?

How do you do it,
what do you know?
Is it for real, your life?
Or just a good show?

Will answers come?
They have not come before.
When will I hear,
A loud knock on the Door?

Why do I fear that
this is pretty much it?
And all that there is,
is here where I sit.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I added some grammer. Dont know if it correct though. 


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pudnsis1's picture


Great work with the rhyming in each verse. I will not reiterate the comments left by the poet that preceded me. I agree with her response. Thanks for sharing. Linda

40andCounting's picture

thank you

thank you

SSmoothie's picture

I guess the answer to your

I guess the answer to your poem is right there... "here where I sit" sitting still is very much the problem. reach out a finger and it might touch something new, reach out a hand and it might hold something new, reach out an arm and it might meet someone new, take a step out and you will be somewhere new, maybe better maybe not but different for sure and it is this difference we are ultimately searching for. a lovely and well written piece, I was missing the rhetorical question marks though! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

40andCounting's picture

i guess

Grammer was never my forte, I thought about trying to punctuate, but i knew I would f*ck it up, so left it as is, sorry but i think you got it.

SSmoothie's picture

HAHAHA! you NEED to read MY pp Bio page!!!


Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."