
Your tender voice reassures me
Your love soothes me so much
You do not realize it's effect
Is as powerful as your gentle touch

You do not know how much I look
Up to you and respect your words
The leadership I respect, too
And how I admire your courage

You asked for me back from so far
You fought to win back my heart
To prove that you truly wanted me
And that nothing could tear us apart

I always wanted a prince like that
Who no matter what wanted me
To save me & take me upon his horse
Showing character for all to see

I never want to put pressure on you
But when I yearn for reassurance it's 'cause
I need you to remind me you won't leave again
And you still accept me in spite of my flaws.

Yes, you have once again won
Over my once-hesitant trust
I'll still battle the shadows of doubt
In those frightening times at dusk

When I feel so alone and I'm reaching
Grasping vainly in the dark for a hand
Or when gasping for breath in the seas
Hoping you'll come pull me to land.

Yes my ultimate goal is
To keep God first in my life
I still look forward to the day
When I will finally be your wife

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love you so very much and respect you and look up to you more than you can imagine.

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Awesome Piece! I loved the

Awesome Piece! I loved the descriptive imagery of your emotions and love.

I believe you'll enjoy any of the piece I have in my Word Play folder. Keep doing you!