All the pressure coming from everyone
Should just push me
To strive towards excellence
Do bigger and better things
It should all just…
Push me to become better at everything
From messing up too much and
Not trying to learn from all the mistakes
I’ve made before
I just don’t trust myself with things
Never had any self-confidence nor believed…
Deep down of myself
Everyone says I can do it
But, I’d like to believe once and for all
Not yet, not now
I just don’t know if I truly can or not
I’m just pessimistic about things
I never seem to be optimistic about anything at all
Being perky just isn’t me
I’m like a negative person
One who’s always expecting the worse to happen?
Am convinced that the worse is yet to come
‘Cause I let it happen…
I just aren’t challenged enough on things
It all seems like a piece of cake to me
There just seems like there’s nothing…
That I can just set my mind to and believe I can truly do it
I guess my heart just isn’t into it as much as it was before
It’s not my fault my heart isn’t into it anymore like it used to be
I just have been through a lot in my life
That made me even more uncertain of whom I want to be in life
Where I want to be in life
It all made me wonder, if this truly is the path I should take
If only I could just believe in myself
I’ll be able to make all my dreams slowly come true this very moment
I just can’t seem to finish all the things I’ve started
I got to do some things I’ve always dreamed of doing my whole life
But, I seem to just leave things undone
I have the support of my friends
Who truly believe in me…?
That I can do everything I’ve ever wanted to do for the rest of my life
I have got plans for my future
Just don’t know if I can make it or not
All I’ve been doing is waiting for a miracle for all this to slowly unfold
Waiting for my future to slowly take place and unfold before my very eyes
When I know, I’m the only one truly capable of making my own dreams and memories for myself
All I need is the some inspiration, motivation, and desire
To be able to make all my dreams come true one day
Someday and somehow, I’ll look back on this very day
Without any regrets I realized…
I was the one who can make my own memories and dreams come to life
I’ve learned that everything in life happens to us for a reason