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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Your Majesty 32 weeks ago
K K I K I N  K I N G  K I N G C  K I N G C H  K I N G C H A K I N G C H A R  K I N G C H A R L K I N G C H A R L E...
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ForeverLonely's picture
ForeverLonely posted a new Poem titled The Tale I'll Tell 32 weeks ago
You used me up like a dried up moist towelette I hid in the woods in order to escape your rage I longed for you like I long for my father w...
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ForeverLonely's picture
ForeverLonely posted a new Poem titled I Could End You 32 weeks ago
Here, I stand Over your bed Hatchet in my hand   So soundly you sleep While tears roll down my cheeks So suddenly I could end this...
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ForeverLonely's picture
ForeverLonely posted a new Poem titled Silently Slip Away 32 weeks ago
Words held to my tongue, with emptiness in my head Deafening silence of truths once left unsaid   Rolling hills of madness; my life hel...
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ForeverLonely's picture
ForeverLonely posted a new Poem titled Push The Blade 32 weeks ago
Oh, how I long to let go of life with the flick of this knife  To take the tip and push it deep into my skin To feel the release of all...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Paging Percy Bysshe Shelley 32 weeks ago
Headline in today's N.Y. Times: 'As G.O.P. Demolishes Border Deal, One of Its Own Stands in the Wreckage'
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THANKFUL FOR MY IMAGINATION 32 weeks ago
  Today I’m thankful for my imagination… for this simple reason why…. without my imagination I’d lose my ability to fly.
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THE EDGE 32 weeks ago
  When she was born her parents together made a silent pledge Whenever she would need it…they would take her to the edge.   And th...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled ريم سبا قلبي 32 weeks ago
    ريمٌ سبا قلبي كمايرمي الطريدُ من رمىأوَكلّماساءلتُ ثغرَكَ ما بهأجابني سحرُ اللمىأنّ السماجادتْ بكوثرهِ هناتطفي به نارَ الظماأو...
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catherine's picture
catherine posted a new Poem titled Sometimes 32 weeks ago
Sometimes I wanna kill you I wanna kill me I wanna kill time   Sometimes I think you love me just before I  find you lied   S...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Keep Hope Woodard 32 weeks ago
Headline in the N.Y. Times: 'She's Not Celibate ---- She's 'Boysober'
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Not Taking Revenge 32 weeks ago
In the blood red pain,there is some nakedness. You wanted tokiss, not as a penitent under the mistletoe.Do not pledge after thewithdrawal, w...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Flaco, come backo 32 weeks ago
What's the story, Flaco? When you comin' back to the zoo? You're acting kinda wacko What is wrong with you?    I know what yo...
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J-C4113d's picture
J-C4113d posted a new Poem titled Won't Someone Tell Me? 32 weeks ago
Won't someone tell me why in this country we care so fervently and devoutly for the Merry Wives of Windsor---and the minute details of their...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled God save the King 32 weeks ago
Headline in today's N.Y. Times: 'King Charles Is Diagnosed With Cancer'
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