Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Christmas Gift 23 years ago
Christmas Gift The Yuletide season is at hand When all the world's ablaze, With shining tinsel, colored lights, And carefree shopping...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled LEAH 23 years ago
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Garrett 23 years ago

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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled LONELY 23 years ago
L ook at that couple holding hands O h my, they look so sweet. N obody knows how much I ache E very time such devotion I see L oneliness hau...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Animals Disarmed, Senility & Sterility Dogs of Afghanistan Carafe Sturgeon 23 years ago
  ANIMALS DISARMED   Some are disarmed. Cows are dis-armed as part of the slaughterhouse 'disassembly' plant.   After the but...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Within the Wind 23 years ago
The eye of the storm within the wind .. the place of quiet, of emptiness, of inaction, of motionlessness, of the zero.. the abode of all pow...
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angelcrane's picture
angelcrane posted a new Poem titled You 23 years ago
You were, My bestest friend in the world. You were, My sanctuary and protector. You were, Whom I trusted more than anyone else. You were,...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Hypocrite 23 years ago
Am I really what they're saying? Ill-tempered, sharp-tongued, and mean? If I am, I surely don't want to be. Are they really as hurt as they...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Rapture 23 years ago
In the quiet midnight Moonbeams slipping through the pane, I lie at peace and listen To the spattering of rain. The newsman said it's probab...
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myrataal's picture
myrataal posted a new Poem titled ETMAAL 23 years ago
die dag is drie gedigte lank: die oopmaak van oë en deure die verruklike volg van God se goue spinsel die papiebruin wag...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled First Love 23 years ago
I got the flowers You sent me. They looked lovely in the sun. And all day long they whispered, "You're my very favorite one." I saw the man...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Good Start 23 years ago
I like to wake up bright and early To a house that's quiet and still, With the fresh morning sun kind of dancing, Through the curtains that...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled My Genesis 23 years ago
When winter has blustered its last harsh blow, And no ice can be seen on the pane, When the house doesn't chill as the fire dies low, And th...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Just Thinking 23 years ago
Someday in the future I'll get my life-long wish. I'll look into my sink and find Not one soiled glass or dish. My floors will all be spotle...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Self-Portrait 23 years ago
"There is no rose without a thorn," The old French proverb goes. But apply that adage unto me, And I'm more thorn than rose. I feel a kinsh...
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