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mywrittings's picture
mywrittings posted a new Poem titled Knowing 20 years ago
life is so frail, what happened to me, over weighing the scale, tra-tra-tragedy, its all fallen from beneath, droped down head over feet, tr...
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled SAVING SOME TIME 20 years ago
Far in the dessert of time when dreams melt in the waking of realm, a goal is preserved. Far down the avenue of hope; A candle is lit. Th...
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled TONGUE TIED 20 years ago
I tremble by the mere grip of his hand. We walked slowly down the isle; he surprised me with a diamond ring with carats beyond my knowing....
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Tanka--MY ANCESTRAL HOME 20 years ago
My ancestral home, a historic monument of my clan. The legacy of my roots-- my lineage
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Cinquian--WHAT IS PAIN? 20 years ago
Alone In the lobby, she waited until dark. Time discontinued from ticking, She wept
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--THE THUNDER 20 years ago
Aghast by the thunder, the chandelier shifts a bit
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--SUNFLOWER 20 years ago
The sun, flowered with yellow rays stood fresh in a pot
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--THE CAT 20 years ago
afraid to get wet, a cat finding a shelter, the rain won’t stop
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--WHEN A BUTTERFLY... 20 years ago
toward a rose a butterfly, flaunting hues of passion
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--MEMORIES 20 years ago
snap shots sweet smiles forever captured
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Haiku--OLD AGE 20 years ago
The rocking chair, swinging smiles from an infirm
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled STILL LAKE. 20 years ago
Deep alpine, cool lacustrine emerald chameleon in whose arms lies the mirrored skies, an ever changing ceiling. Around the lake small ripple...
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deadmanwalking's picture
deadmanwalking posted a new Poem titled Tragic Mistake 20 years ago
Have I done this to myself again? Have I once more caused you pain? Knowing me this is probably the case As I always seem to fall from your...
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prophetic_1's picture
prophetic_1 posted a new Poem titled Dream Girl 20 years ago
I can no longer stand idly by and watch you pass me again.  I could introduce myself and say that I wanna be friends but I'd be ly...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled This Poem is For Special Someonel 20 years ago
You are my inspiration having you in my life revived my sleeping devotion You are indeed a special someone Loving you gives me hope to free...
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