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dyingpoetkr's picture
dyingpoetkr posted a new Poem titled A Sacred Vow 22 years ago
A sacred vow of love sworn to you, by a whisper deeper then thought its self. Cruesify my very soul, to be yours for all eternity and beyond...
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dyingpoetkr's picture
dyingpoetkr posted a new Poem titled In Dignity 22 years ago
"Wear my ring with dignity". With a smile on my face, I agree. I cherish thee, til death ales me, I worship the love I receive. "Yes, I beli...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Effortless Float 22 years ago
"Paddle your own canoe" say the pessimists while optimists float downriver to the sea Come all things holy easily and wholly. Desires in you...
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dyingpoetkr's picture
dyingpoetkr posted a new Poem titled Grow Old With Me 22 years ago
Grow old with me, gain weight. Let the wrinkles crown our face. Let time be our best friend. Lie next to me in bed. Let all the letters fade...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Barrie Buried Bread In Our Bedspread 22 years ago
He was a mixed breed dog with confidence and joy.. whose tail twirled over his back.. like a clover blossom over a sidewalk we named him B...
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dyingpoetkr's picture
dyingpoetkr posted a new Poem titled First Valentine 22 years ago
I am your temptress. Your Godess, and your guiding light. I promise if you continue to love me, I will fulfill your life. I cherish you more...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Not Street Lights But Stars 22 years ago
Not for long do garish street lights block the shy stars of night Fire sirens not for long shroud the mornbird's chorus song The eclipsed mo...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Crossfire 22 years ago
CARTER HAIKU Thirteen presidents. Only one won't bomb babies Holy James Carter CROSSFIRE Beneath the morning star jewel .. arrive arrayed i...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled First the Lightning.. then the Rain 22 years ago
First comes her lightning.. then her rain first her humor with kindness in its train First the baptism by fire and then water's laving First...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Plumbless Pluto 22 years ago
The Love of Pluto is plumbless He plucks plums from trees plumless. When he is wed to the Pleiades he fills all hearts as they please.
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Taking Wing 22 years ago
The dead bird poem lay buried in a box of papers.. and was found.. .. and typed .. and her author watched as she stretched her newfound win...
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asianaggie2001's picture
asianaggie2001 posted a new Poem titled No True Friends Here 22 years ago
Everytime I go to say something, I feel as if no one is really listening. Everything I say seems not to matter. I try to talk to you, but ev...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled OSU 22 years ago
If instead of gravestones, trees were planted over the cemetery bodies of OSU alumni, they could reforest the world
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Kennedy & Kerry 22 years ago
While with DA's Perry parries and her beloved, Mary marries and his past, Barry buries and with friends, Terry tarries and traveling bugs on...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled * Poems To Willpower, Discipline, Focus 22 years ago
POEMS OF WILLPOWER *1 Music is invoked by baton Lightning drawn by the rod Miracles come to magic wand and Will does summon God *2 Will, you...
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