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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Feelings 22 years ago
You make me feel, so alive, and so happy. I’ve never felt this way before, and I hope you feel the same. I have so many feelings for you, an...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled My Struggle WIth You 22 years ago
My struggle with you, almost took my life. I was in so much pain, that I caused myself pain, with each cut, that painted my skin. I wanted t...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Driven 22 years ago
You’ve driven me over the edge, for one last time. I’m walking out the door, never looking back. Maybe with time, I’ll forget the pain, that...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Crimson Rose 22 years ago
Her name was Crimson Rose, with flowing hair of red. She stayed at home all day, crying in her bed. ~ But when she went outside, a smile was...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Even Deeper Now 22 years ago
As each day goes by, our love grows deeper, within’ us. Even though, we are thousands of miles, apart. ~*~ Jill ~*~
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled On Edge 22 years ago
When I was on edge, and ready to fall. You held me back, with your love, and saved me, from myself. While on edge, I didn’t care, for life....
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled A Mothers Cry 22 years ago
A mother's cry is heard, over the thunderous chirp, of an eagle flying high. Tears flood the nation, of many mothers, who have lost, one of...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled A Borrowed Heart 22 years ago
Some, will borrow ones heart, only to give it back, in pieces. ~ Some, will borrow ones heart, and keep it safe, to beat with theirs. ~ Some...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Believers 22 years ago
Believers believe, when all hope, seems to be gone. They lift us up, and help guide our way, when we get lost. And I’m so glad I can say, th...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Velvet Rose 22 years ago
The soft feel of petals, touching my skin. A bed of roses, is where we lay. The scent, takes us away. We drift off, sail into a blissful sea...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Judging Colors 22 years ago
Don’t judge me, by the color of my skin. For we are all the same, on the inside. All flesh, bone, and blood. We all need air to breathe, and...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled What Love Can Do 22 years ago
Love can take you higher, than the very clouds above. Higher than any star in the midnight sky, or higher than a dove. ~ Higher than the mou...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Priceless Love 22 years ago
You can’t put a price on our love. Money can’t buy it. Just a simple smile from you, or touch of your hand lets me know you love me. We don’...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled It's About Time 22 years ago
It’s about time, my depression went away, and happiness filled my days. When we speak, something happens inside me. Something I can’t contro...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled He Is 22 years ago
He is the sunrise, of my morning. He is as sweet as, a fresh picked strawberry. He is as sturdy as a hiking boot, put through everything,...
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