
A Spiderweb

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WPOM poetry prompt for day 25 National Poetry Month...sunlight on a spiderweb

Something Rising from the Deep

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WPOM poetry prompt...something rising from the deep for National Poetry Month day 24

A Hidden Alleyway

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No Hunger

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WPOM poetry prompt day 23 National Poetry Month...write a poem about hunger

A Tree Went to Heaven Today

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am so sad and devastated that I had to cut down my tree today. It was really causing lots of damage with its roots and on windy days made me nervous watching some of the branches was really overgrown way out of control quite awhile now. I know I waited far too long to do it and yet I just was not ready for it. It took up the whole yard. It was a shade umbrella that united with a grapevine on the fence to create a bit of a jungle and refuge from the heat. Now the yard looks naked and like a desert. It just won't be the same without it and am sure I will miss the shade and beauty of the tree. I really felt I had no other choice in the matter. I feel like a hypocrite always signing petitions for nature for the environment and animals and then going and killing my own tree...can't stop crying about it. I  will miss it dearly. It did such a great job and has been here with me nearly thirty years. I love you tree and thank you kindly for the years of shade and beauty you provided me. It was always polite when it trimmed itself too being careful never to hit the house or cause any sad to lose a dear old friend. It won't be the same without it. Rest in peace tree. Please forgive me. I wish I could have found a way around it.

The Sun Rise

Author's Notes/Comments: 

WPOM poetry prompt write a poem...the sun rise... day 21 National Poetry Month


My First Love is Nature

Author's Notes/Comments: 

WPOM poetry prompt day 20 National Poetry Month...write a poem about first love

Tears for a Tree

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have had a tree in my yard ever since I moved in close to thirty years ago has grown out of control...probably waited longer than I should have to do this but I really love that tree and really will miss it when it's gone and really don't see anyway around doing this and so there are tears about it this morning so I thought I would write a poem about it...A tree job estimator is supposed to come out this afternoon so anticipating that putting this all into motion is making me very sad...and so Tears for a Tree poem was born...

The Moment of Death

Author's Notes/Comments: 

WPOM poetry prompt day 19 National Poetry Month...write a poem about something that no one else knows...