This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Mimi - The Crest Of Sincerity, but then goes to Yolei.
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Joe - The Crest Of Reliability, but then goes to Cody.
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Sora - The Crest Of Love, but then goes to Yolei.
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Kari - The Crest Of Light
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Izzy - The Crest Of Knowledge, but then goes to Cody.
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Ken - The Crest Of Kindness. A friend helped me out - Thank You John!
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. T.K. - The Crest Of Hope
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Tai - The Crest Of Courage, but then goes to Davis.
This poem goes to 'The Anime Digimon'. Matt - The Crest Of Friendship, but then goes to Davis.