I speak to myself.
My dearest Traveller;
born out of hope and love
from two warning Nations.
A born again Christian,
with an open mind.
Having found peace
and laid the fights to rest
within her chest?
From raging battles
she had no part,
and tag-a-wars
she did not start.
My “…Noble Pilgrim…” in
without a definite name
to assert her claim.
But fueled on a small prayer,
she enters fate’s gate;
into the void,
into the unknown,
to be forever changed,
on a “…Traveller’s Hajj.”
My dearest Traveller on a Hajj;
why do you run?
when running from yourself?
what do you seek,
when searching for yourself?
The predator that gives rise to the chase,
and the prey that chooses flight,
or one and the same.
Different sides of the same coin,
a Ying-Yang’s paradoxical game.
Do we,
run from ourselves,
while searching for one’s self?
To extract from a personal universe,
and a comfort-place in our own mental construct,
of an unfolding boundless universe.
My Noble Pilgrim’s transmigration
in it’s completeness,
gives purpose,
and not the perceived answers
at the end of life’s campaign.
Space folds in on itself,
to bring her back to the original singularity,
that sparked the “…Traveller’s Hajj.”
My precious pilgrim;
am I in error,
about your quest for spiritual treasures.
Whom will you meet,
when your unconscious desires speaks,
from there deep sleep?
What does your hungry soul need to eat?
For surely,
it maybe love you seek,
and love seeks you in it’s timely keep?
Forcing us together
for a brief moment in time.
So we can
and enrich each other’s lives.
Imparting riches,
and wisdom in our separate lives.
Entangling our souls,
mingling our minds,
amalgamating our feelings,
to melt our hearts together,
and force us further along life’s-line.
Caught in a net of love.
Snared in the web of ecstasy,
to create enduring happiness,
for lasting fulfilment.
A love that magnify each other’s self,
and make us both whole with contentment.
A wonderful haven for learning,
Has spawned from our parallel paths,
intersecting our distinct life-journeys.
The divergence of our spiritual wanderings;
natured by the same passions and pains,
that first caused us to call each other’s names,
and be pulled across time and space
by the grasping strings of love.
To be entangled in sticky events,
for the unwrapping of new beginnings.
For concurring in understanding,
will melt our hearts into one.
We cannot come back from tomorrow,
to undo the inevitable.
Caught in the stream of possibilities,
navigating the currents of probable outcomes,
to delight in the “raw feels.”
Trapped in the molasses of love,
being pulled in ever deeper.
Deeper still,
with each futile struggle.
To be consumed by love’s burning flames.
Until the fire racing trough our veins,
devours our infected bodies
perforated by amorist arrows.
And in this surreal state
of awe and love struck,
we are preserved in amber forever.
Romeo and Juliet told the same tale.
has it’s
and place.
The wheels of time
keep on turning;
servants to none,
but conquer of all.
We are,
torn apart by events beyond our control.
I enjoyed your blessings,
some beautiful things must come to an end,
to allow other good things to be given birth.
To avoid regression,
and steer clear of the stench of stagnation.
My mind is free!
I cannot follow in the flesh,
on your next step.
Though my shackled body
bars me from the next level in your journey.
Know that my spirit accompany you,
my “…Noble Pilgrim On A Traveller’s Hajj.”
To walk,
to laugh,
and to talk with you.
To place my naked feet
into your wet foot prints upon the land.
where you have walked,
and embracing your experiences
to call them my own,
while the setting sun in tearful joy
hugs us both in it red silken blanket.
A foot print in the sand,
or a vicarious foot print upon the mind,
it is all the same
to be marked by memories.
But for a small measurement of time;
your mind became my sanctuary,
and your heart my refuge.
Your twinkling eyes,
and warm long smile
my bit of paradise.
Your none-threatening poetic movements,
beckoned me to talk,
and share particular problems,
Necessary evils with positive resolutions.
You are truly my angel,
my angel.
Arriving just in time
before I write the last line.
You will be deeply missed.
Now at last,
after doing my part,
we must depart.
I send you off with a friendly kiss,
and a gentle embrace,
so you will remember a friends name.
I wrote half our story.
You must type the final lines,
and reclaim your precious name;
when the last wave washes away
your final foot prints
under the bleeding sunset
on “…The Traveller’s Hajj.”

Legal Poet
Wayne Ferron
Wayne Ferron.All rights reserved @ Copyright