The 6000 Pink Elephants of Jazz!

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Joined: 2011/02/08

The 6000 Pink Elephants of Jazz!
An Essay by Wolf Larsen

6000 pink elephants are teaching you the gong-thwack-fizz today! Now let's say that 16,000 pink elephants - or was it 6,000 pink elephants - oh jump to the rushing music! This is why I released millions of schizophrenic balloons into the skies of orange today, because of the 6,000 or 16,000 or 20 million pink elephants. Are you going to pee in your pants?

Regarding peeing in your pants today you can hammer all the 6,000 pink elephants of schizophrenia into the subway trains of collapsing logic. This is delirious and clamoring! I definitely feel that the 6,000 pink elephants of schizophrenia will become an assembly-line of millions of McDonald's hamburgers all dropping into your mouth and flying into your stomach and out of your asshole and blessing the skies with gobbledygook and skidalidobop. You can verify this by listening to Alan Berg, his music I mean. So you see the ideology of crack-smoking hermits is why the 6,000 elephants are pink.

Now let's discuss how all of this is related to Alan Berg’s music. You see, whenever you play Alan Berg naturally 6,000 pink elephants are flying out of his music and all the flying elephants are kissing your thoughts with a most beautiful dialogue of thousands of insane paintings. The millions of McDonald's hamburgers that used to be elephants & rats & cockroaches all taste like 20th-century classical music having a schizophrenic ecstasy with Albert Einstein dressed up like a transvestite. Of course, this essay is really about physics.

Now whenever I listen to the physics of Alan Berg singing in a punk rock band I naturally think about dressing your husband all like a transvestite and having sex with him. This proves that the pink elephants of jazz were created by Alan Berg when he sang in a punk rock band.
Copyright 2010 by Wolf Larsen
