Normal, maybe.

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Ish_Grey's picture
Joined: 2012/07/15

Sometimes, I’m sick of pressure,
I want to be alone.
I don’t want to be there. Or here.
I don’t want love.

I want to live away.
Sometimes, I want closure.
I want attention, but not always.
I want to hurt. Then make up for it.

I want to go back.
I want to make the right choice.
Sometimes, I want something different.
I want to live better, maybe.

I want to be free,
I think I deserve it.
Freedom will surely make up for it,
I’m hurt. Maybe not. Maybe too much will ruin me.
I want closure. I don’t want love.

I want to feel normal.
I don’t want pain. Not that kind of pain.
A sophisticated one maybe.
Not love. Not that kind of love.

I love my life. A lot.
I want something else.
I want to talk.
Not listen. I want her to listen.
A lot.

I want closure. I want freedom.
I want love, but not like that.
I miss the past, maybe. I miss her.
I miss myself. A lot. Too much.

I’m fine. Just not normal.
Not right now.
I want to feel normal.
No love. No freedom.
No pain. No closure.
Not much.
Just normal. I think I deserve it.