Ode on a Night

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adam1461's picture
Joined: 2011/09/01

Oh immortal night,
When hast thy not seen
The clouds of thunder
Burrowing midst all thy fervour?
Midst all cacophony of
Withering days..

Where art thou oh mournful dark?
Never to be seen,never to sigh
In transparent brooks,
Or vales of death-orchids.
Where can thou find such agony anew?
I've seen thee kiss,faint beams
Of the fair womb'd lover..
Whisper old tales,and her scartlet face
Still...still of pain..

Thy vintage death,fear not the night,
Not the shrieking souls of her whispers..
Fear what love she hath brought,
Her scornful sweetness,Of her wrath..
For she cries,beneath starry dream-woods,
Of her darkling of light...Of Still night.