Dear America: The Jungle is not a Playground

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circleofstars's picture
Joined: 2006/01/22

Hearts are beating but
the bones around them ache.
To apologize is to pacify.

You can wash your Agent Orange off of jungle leaves
but you can't wash their faces out of our minds.

You can tear down in a second what takes hours to build and
You can strive for lifetimes only to never achieve peace.

You can scratch your head in mock wonderment,
and count the money under the table...

Your pockets are full of cum, feces, blood, secrets, lies, and of course the highest quality of lint
that bales of money and barrels of oil can buy.

I think I hear a whisper....rasping:

"(God forbid that the communists get it!)"


"(We wouldn't want everyone to suffer poverty)"

"(But women's work and unmonitored labor have no place in this economy!)"

Well, I have no use for you.

Dishonesty belongs only onstage where it can be taken at face value.

Anyhow...Your schools taught me nothing.
Somehow I still have a mind AND
This world is not my playground.

I am already on my knees with one foot in the next life, one in the air and my brain in the last...

You can never unify my mind
or stop the bleeding.

Or wake humanity from its dreaming.