Once More Into The Breach

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GSNJSMJ's picture
Joined: 2011/09/13

Darkness is a happening
of contingencies prefigured by endless
upon endless dwellings of amassed pain, dejection and rejection.
A bleak recurrence that challenges the soul
to venture clear of the sorrow
which grasp certifies an overwhelming strength over him,
and grin as the eyes wander about the dust engulfed ascension to a mindset of excelling comfort,
an escapade that rivals calamity with miracle,
introducing what it takes to overcome the catacombs of heart,
and ultimately what it means to "survive".

The mind,
eclipsed and gloom,
told by forces, greater than
my stature
to battle the very essence that cripple my own shadow
limping behind me as I walk alone at the dying dawn of midday
and defend my livelihood
from the dark wraiths that besiege
my any happiness.
The facts that pity my digestion of thought:
remaining of lonesome, craving unceasingly for an angel
to just hold me as I cry
taking me away from my own shitty world
all this rambling perceives no meaning if
Loving her follows by the process of zero physical caress
so I am still here
left searching but finding___________

Although the prerequisite summons a reminiscing
notion, its occurrence is anything but welcome,
as the experience gained from the convicting lessons of death
are remembered, followed and is ever ill to meet short worth memory.
it is never to be forgotten
so the pain has came to visit us once more
but hopefully,

for only a small while.
and until
the darkness subsides
we are left to wonder once more...into the breach.


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions