Cute poem

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Joined: 2011/02/08

Cute Poem
Re: Change of Management
Cooperative Committee
Central Park Luxury Towers
New York, NY
Dear Sirs & Madams:
I would like to evict a multimillionaire from Central Park Luxury Towers and live there. I've been a longshoreman or dockworker for nine years and I write poetry so I would like a beautiful view of Central Park. The rest of you millionaires & billionaires can move out as well, because I'm inviting construction workers, waitresses, & office clerks to move into all your apartments. And we're taking away all your ill-begotten wealth and giving it away to poor people, students, the disabled, homeless veterans, etc. - so now you'll all have to get a real job. Why not?
Wolf Larsen
P.S. McDonalds is hiring!
