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Starward commented on: re(ad)writing poetry by arqios 2 years 3 weeks ago
Wow, I never considered: Wow, I never considered before that there is a Muse for reading, as well as writing, Poetry.  You have certainly improved upon the ancient Poets' concept of the Muses.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
Thank you, Sir, and I agree: Thank you, Sir, and I agree exactly.  Both Octavian and Herod were, basically, usurpers---both obsessed with retaining supreme power within their families, and both driven to express that power openly with enormous building projects that nearly bankrupted the economy of the Roman Empire.  (The tax enrollment that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, where Jesus was subsequently born, was instituted by Octavian---who, by that time, was called Augustus---to refill the empty treasury that he had spent on architecture, both in Rome and through the provinces.)  Octavian supposedly murdered Kaisarion (although he could never produce the body) because Kaisarion had the better claim to the Roman imperium; and, of course, Herod attemped to kill Christ, who had, has, and always will have the ultimate throne from which to reign and rule.    By way of historical coincidence, although the Apostle Saint Paul was the first Scriptural writer to call Christ the King Of Kings (in 1 Timothy 6:15), Kaisarion was given that same title (about a century prior to Paul's writings) by his stepfather, Mark Antony.
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georgeschaefer commented on: ONE LESS CHORE by georgeschaefer 2 years 3 weeks ago
But always much too much: But always much too much trash
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crypticbard commented on: ONE LESS CHORE by georgeschaefer 2 years 3 weeks ago
Advice taken. Trash in, trash: Advice taken. Trash in, trash out. Trash out foul odour out.
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crypticbard commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
The horrors of succession and: The horrors of succession and inheritance. The transgressions are real all thoughout humanity's gory history and it will continue until reality of redemption is invoked for Salvation.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
Thank you so much.  This week: Thank you so much.  This week has been very serene, as I look at, and plan for, a sequence of poems in a style that is new to my work, but seems to have been in the making since I first aspired to poetry decades ago.  I think I still have a bit left in me.
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
I still believe it's amazing: I still believe it's amazing that you recognized a link most people would never have found. Ever. And yes, there is unspeakable solace in trusting in a Higher Power. Blessings. 
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Rebecca commented on: Strife by Bec.J 2 years 3 weeks ago
Thank you for taking the time to read my poem.: Thank you for taking the time to read my poem. I am very honoured that you view my writing to a standard worthy of such an Author as Robert Aickman. This poem represents the daily struggles that I am sure a lot of people face as I do myself. We all have inner demons.  All of my writings come from first-hand experience, so once again thank you for taking the time to read them! 
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Starward commented on: Strife by Bec.J 2 years 3 weeks ago
First, this is poem is full: First, this is poem is full of very profound wisdom.  I wanted that statement to be the first part of my comment.  It also creates a very eerie atmosphere.    As I read this, I was reminded of a rather lengthy short story (long but well worth the effort) by Robert Aickman, entitled "Pages From A Young Girl's Journal."  In that story, Aickman---who at the date of its writing was a sixty year old dour Englishman, trained as an architect---imitates the voice of an adolescent girl of the early nineteenth century; who, in "her" journal gives us a vivid account of what it is like to give into the monstrous and demonic presence that pursues her.  I mean this as a compliment to you, because Aickman, in my opinion, is the "gold standard" of eerie tales, and your poem certainly rises to that level, while also provided, as I said above, some very profound wisdom.
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Starward commented on: Little Secret by rachel 2 years 3 weeks ago
I really like the tone of: I really like the tone of private conversation in this poem.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
Thank you very much.  I have: Thank you very much.  I have been reading ancient history for over half a century (Jim Bishop's magnificent monograph, The Day Christ Died, started me out on that path), so I am a little embarrassed that it took a half century for me to connect Octavian's attempt to murder Kaisarion (which, to most of the world at that time, was believed to have been a successful murder) with Herod's attack upon the infants of Bethlehem in order to eliminate Jesus.  The patterns of their reasoning is exactly the same, and why I missed it all these years I can only explain by my lifelong habit of always being a day late and a dollar short.  Yet, as Saint Paul said, I glory in this; and for me, it reminds me of how desperately I need a Savior, and the ackcnowledge ment of that need is an exceeding comfort . . . especially at this late stage of my life.    Thanks again for your comment---as always you understand exactly what my poems are meant to do, and I am sorry for the rather verbose reply. 
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georgeschaefer commented on: ONE LESS CHORE by georgeschaefer 2 years 3 weeks ago
A lot of trash can only get: A lot of trash can only get back in if you let it
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Herod The So-Called Great, Frustrated by J-C4113D 2 years 3 weeks ago
Linking two historical: Linking two historical dramas, each one capturing the same venomous ambition, produced quite an explosion. This wonderful work is an ingenious conception that masterfully and uniquely depicts the words: "How the mighty has fallen." Witnessing the frantic desperation of the embodiment of evil is a comforting reminder that human tyranny is a transient condition.   As always, your style reflects the subject with precision and impact—in this case theatrical, powerful classicism.   Another poetic conquest.
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Unseen.warfare commented on: Poem to end all poems by Unseen.warfare 2 years 3 weeks ago
Sinner: You gonna tell me God isn't come to judge the sinners? Of course he came to save us but if people don't believe in Hell or the Church or the saints and think that God is gonna be happy they didn't dig a little deeper and find out what the church was doing when the Biblical canon was being formed. The west has develped out of lawlessness. Now, where in the scriptures does it say we shouldnt renounce the ways of the world? My Bible and the Saints tell me exactly the opposite of what you have said. They tell me to renounce the world and all its ways and pick up my Cross and die to the world of sin and materialistic desires. if that's a lie show me. Martin Luther helped cause the Holocaust with his anti semetic interpretations of the scriptures. Now, are you gonna tell me Hinduism or Buddhism or any of these other religions are the way to the Father? Or is using heroin good? Or is having a secular mindset a good thing? I have to know what's been influenced by Satan. I'm not here acting like I have all the answers. I'm the chief of sinners as Saint Paul said. I know what sin does to a man's soul. Until I let the passions die I didn't recieve any peace. 
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Unseen.warfare commented on: Poem to end all poems by Unseen.warfare 2 years 3 weeks ago
You act like Jesus Christ and: You act like Jesus Christ and His Saints and The prophets never told the truth about the world around them. Didn't Saint John The Baptist tell Herod how wrong he was for sleeping with his brothers wife? See, when we have two contrasting ways of life being preached worldly materialism and a renouncing and mortification of worldlyness it's a righteous judgement. I am renoucing the world and its ways. If that hurts your feelings toughin up butter cup. It's out of love. 
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