weirdo's at wal-mart 2

Wierdo’s At Walmart 2


There’s more I want to tell you about that horrid shopper’s hell
When you arrive at Walmart you'll hear that greeter yell
And shopping there you'll see things that will turn you green
Then you'll know there are somethings that cannot be unseen
Don’t say I didn’t warn you when you are ready to depart
Cuz then you will be among those wierdo’s at Walmart
Going thru those small isles you had better stand clear
The moment that you don’t that electric buggy will hit your rear
And when you turn the corner that’s when you'll wanna flee
From that view of a wrinkled butt crack you didn’t wanna see
That’s when you'll wanna stay away from those wierdo’s at Walmart


                     zoey cup

Author's Notes/Comments: 

here's my second poem about Wal-mart hope you like it! 

                                            Zoey cup!

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