Gift's from God!

gift's from god! 2013


I recieved two gift's some year's ago

and i watched both gifts grow

thru the year's you see

and i prayed to god each nite

down on both my knee's

asking for god's help all along the way

too see them thru there day's

i know that they had trial's

that would seem like walking mile's

i still cared for them with all my love

with the help from god above

i dried there tear's when they fell

they we're happy i could tell

now that there all grown

and will have gift's of there own

i hope i taught them all i could

so they will know all they should

and have the courage when they too

have gift's from god like i do


you both are loved more than you know

love mom!



Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem came easy i wrote about my children, they are what kept me alive after i got out of st marys, they truely are a gift from God!!!!

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