Almost Midnight


Ticking away before my eyes

second upon second turns into a minute

rhen turns into the hour

why, cannot there be 100 seconds in a minute

100 minutes in an hour

and less hours in the day?

wouldnt it be easier?

i mean,

if you count money, but theres 60 cents to the loonie, and 60 loonies in a brown bill

it would be mixed up, if i combined time and moneytogether

i know i just twisted and turned there

but seconds are wasting away before my eye

but it makes you think

it would be weird just to have time differently,

for Hundredz and hundreds of yeers

time has been this way

we can not change it now

give me a break

just let me sleep in!

but it is almost midnight, sitting here typing at the keyboard

endless possibilities of where my mind can go!

jee, the screen is too bright,

gotta turn down the mr bright

kinda makes you think that if it is almost midnight

whrere did the time go!!!???

Author's Notes/Comments: 

jus thought of this while critiquing my friends poem

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