you started as a acquaintance to me,
we sent emails seeking what was to be,
you knew what i needed, to state the thirst,
i knew i could trust you to break the curse,
When we met we became donor and vampire
The bond was instant, blood like liquid fire
I knew from then I could ultimately trust you
Never had I fed so well you were my jewel
As time went on some things became a bit dire
So I was strong, became more than your vampire
We confided our secrets and became good friends
Our bond brought us closer you then helped me mend
You saw my heart get hurt by many cruel souls
You lent me your shoulder eased my hearts holes
Then as I was crying over another stupid bitch
You wiped the leaf away and gave me a soft kiss
So now I vow to you my old acquaintance,
Yes I swear to you my wonderful donor,
I promise to you my amazing true best friend
I will have no one but my partner until the worlds end