you hid in chalk


I once observed the world over our dimension


Through a glass box.


It appeared as a soiled sidewalk revitalized


But only with chalk.


Lovers, and liars


And belief made of folk.


This painted realism


 viewed through smoke


we named “life” Is quite the enigma


In my conscious is left to soak


If love is a chemical


Its withdraw in hand with ghostly absence


In entirety commences my airway to choke


Let my soul go


Ive never needed much gravity


I wish it would cease to take hold


When I give way of all flesh




When the physical I leave the need to posses


This case will not belong to the earth


That reality is only a daydream


Where temporarily our beings take hearth


They say we were meant to be brought there in pairs


When the puzzle pieces don’t fit


Alone we are left




To reminisce what was before felt


Echoes true to a curse


Although through an elevated perception


Reality adorned my understanding


Vision forever altered


Spirits resting near set whispers upon the wind for my heart to hear


The message I heard was simply one verse


I carry it with me after all


“It could have been worse”


But do you know I saw your face


Appearing vivid that chalk


In this cloak of chalk appearing to hide this dilapidated sidewalk


What this illusiondid not reveal


Underlying with dirt and rot was your true self


Where our vision dares not wander or walk


It rained and poured


When I saw past that face


Stripped of cover and vain


What I saw I once loved struck me with shock and pain.


I leave it with one last verse. After all


“It could have been worse”


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