Waking Nature

The dew from a winter rain hung heavily on the outstretched blades,

which hung low and limp from the liquid weight,

and cascaded prisms of light into the frost-bitten air.

Beams of tinted green darted up from the damp grass

and pierced through shivering molecules

and particles clinging deftly in the thick air.

Small weeds and putrid flowers spread their crooked petals

to welcome the feeding sunlight into their acidic grasp.

The stems lapped up the orange glow

which immediately packed itself tightly into

the cellulose ridden sinews and sunk deep into

the invading and ambitious roots.

The noise of the growing and bending creatures

rose and shrunk in waves as they tipped in the wind

and released the immense drops of dew

straining their silky limbs.

Small buds and leaves yawned

and uncurled their tiny bodies

in attempts to soak in the morning light.

Shafts of heat and cold ran rivers through the grass

and created a pulsating stimulus

which all the creatures of nature found attractive.

Everyone felt alive during the early dawn,

everyone felt fresh and renewed.

Rejuvenation waned into the cascading evening horizon

as the green hues were painted with complementary shadows

faded swiftly into darkness as the night conquered the sky.

The once extroverted creatures

quickly found solace

in their milky black solitude.

The open leaves folded instantly in the black night,

the stems relinquished their stretched posture

and hung limp in between the sulking blades.

The weeds shriveled into their evil shells

and waited with treacherous patience to steal

the lifeblood sitting in unsecured pools surrounding them.

No moon offered its white protection to the clinging roots;

thus, darkness was left to comfort and protect

the shivering and frightened blades

who were overpowered by a strong and parasitic enemy.

The shapes in the dark shifted into stark,

haunting faces bursting through crevices

in the tall stalks.

The shaking eyes and petrified beings trembled in their dirt foundation

as the night swept over all inducing the restless wonders to sleep soundly

until morning was able reign once more.

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