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Love comes in many forms to differeniate this is the key to understanding. The many forms of love must not be complied to just be defined as one entity.

The many forms of love all have a common thread with the basic life force we all know the form of love for your family, friends, and of course romantic.

They all have a common thread, and we as human beings still to this day, do not have any reason to analize or question why love happens. It is a chemical compound they in our brains between two humans that make them attracted to each other. But it is not anyones judgment to say how to love or why we love, but in our society we are not unfornately like some of the animals or swans that MATE FOR LIFE.

So with this, EMBRACE it without question of it is PURE EMOTIONAL, (UNLIKE ANIMALS) and should not be analized but enjoyed simply for being a human and that someone does feel this emotion towards YOU.

So rare are these pure feelings they are undefineable when they really happen and again let be stress should be embraced and NOT SCIENTIFICALLY ANALIZED OR JUDGED, IT JUST IS!

Without too much reason, just enjoy if you have anyone that you have ever shared this human emotion, I am not talking just physically, I am speaking about the chemical and emotional feeling of love.

There are many scientiest, mathicians, and computer experts that we need on this planet, but sometimes they lack this component, does not make them anyless human, including Bill Gates, Einstein, many of our famour poets.


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