Our End

When I saw you for the first time,

All I saw was the enemy.

Though you had committed no crime,

I had given you the death penalty. 


But the feeling was mutual,

You clearly thought the same thing.

Our attacks on each other were so very brutal,

And words were thrown and felt like bee stings.


The thing that saved us though,

We shall be forever grateful for.

This very thing caused something unexpected to grow,

And now we were enemies no more.


They closed the gap,

And brought us together.

It was almost like walking into a trap,

But thanks to them we overlooked our errors.


Thanks to those teachers,

We learned to work together.

Now we're bonded like brothers and sisters,

And some even more like friends forever.


But the dreaded time has come now,

Our time together has ended.

And I can't think but how,

How will I let go of these people that I've befriended?


For the pain is great,

Its sting knows no bounds.

And now I just want to tell Summer to wait,

Because I don't want to leave these grounds.


These grounds that you and I both used to hate,

But now we love them for what they have created.

Because now that our minds have made a change of state,

It seems too soon for our love to deflate.


But once we leave this binding place,

Our hearts and minds will change again.

And the friendship we made shall be defaced,

So then once again we shall look at each other in disdain.


For then we shall be back to enemies,

There will be no more love or friendship.

And though we may hate this destiny,

I find that I hate more that we had to end like this.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The story behind this is a new school was made in my school district, and it was placed ritght between two existing school districts. And as luck should have it, those two schools were arch enemies and competetors. Also, students weren't given a choice, they were forced to go and had no say. So, students were brought from both schools to be together, and as you might have thought, things didn't go well at first. There were lots of fights and we wouldn't work together at all. But now we are best friends and what makes our seperation worse is that we're the 8th grade, so we were here for only one year and now we have to let go. It sucks so much, and now we don't just have to seperate, now we're enemies again. So, should probably make more sense now.

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