They Can Never Know

They can never know me

They can never know everything I’ve been through.

They can never know that my tears filled up the ocean I crossed to get here.

They can never know abuse.

They can never know neglect.

They can never know the lack of trust and respect.

They could never be my friends

They weren’t there to help wipe my tears

For every time he broke my heart, for every time I felt alone.

They can never know.

But they knew.

They knew me before this continent knew my footprint.

They knew me as awkward and timid as I was.

They knew only possibilities of what I could become.

So few can I trust. So few can understand where I really come from.

They can never understand why this American accent slips gently from my tongue.

They can never understand how much I long to know what my alternate destiny would have been.

They don’t even care anymore. I am just another “one who migrate”.

To the people here I am just another “immigrant, just another green-card.

I am just another mislead child, confused by a mother lost, a father more consumed by this sinful world.

The constant parties and English system of education isn’t what I miss the most.

It’s the people.

I am bothered with jealousy.

The jealousy that all those childhood friends are friends forever.

Yet here I am-- left out-- not a lifelong friend in sight.

Sometimes your worst thoughts are your safest.

They can never know.

They could only imagine.

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