Conspiracy theory

English whispers

Conspiracy theory

I don’t believe in conspiracy theory. I believe in aims and objectives.

Every action in life has a reason and this action might be an objective for an aim or an aim itself.

As an example, if you see me giving somebody a pen. You may see the action of giving a pen to someone is a good thing and the first judgement will be according to this action, but you might not think that I am giving this pen to make this person signing a check for me or to sign his resignation, which means that giving the pen is an objective to achieve another aim.

Believing in hidden reasons and aims for some events or actions doesn’t mean that it is a way of believing in the conspiracy theory as some researchers proved. Actually, it is a deeper understanding that not everything we see is the definite truth, but it might be a partial truth which could mean nothing, different or opposite when knowing the full vision of truth.

In conclusion, to know the truth you should find the aims and the objective for any action and don’t judge according to what you see in one eye and don’t take any action off its concept.

Yara Mohammad



01:45 AM

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