We can't win always Precious moments come rarely in life If we get to win, we get a great loose that we can?t expect No one can foresee the future It is something we can't choose, but we can live Why do we run away from our truth? Why do we fight our happiness? We just need a moment to know what we want, but we don?t spend it We live our life without knowing what we need or what we want We just turn around ourselves in a closed circle We can't make a forward step And then when we fall down we loose the power to get up again All of us are looking for good life, for success, for love and for peaceful life We fight a little when we ask for more Why don't we fight strongly to get what we want? Someday I will pass away Someone said that when you die, suddenly, all people love you Why don't we get this love when we are alive? I know that my heart is full of love, but to no one It is just a love My mind is full of thoughts, but to no one They are just thoughts And really I want to live a true life I am bored of false lives I can't stand this planned and shaped life I want to shape my life as I want I want to change my name, my memory, my history I want to erase everything and start again I want to be born in another place and get another life If I could, I want to live in another planet I want to wake up from my dream to find myself in another one Otherwise I want to stay dreaming forever If I collapsed or if I passed away, you will see my truth You will know me, as I am Then you will love me And you will wish if you did fight for me Yara Mohammad 08/01/2006 10:55 PM London |