3rd Hour

lost love

sunshining bellringing

there she stands

man in hand

3rd hour need a flower

i want her bad

she's already taken

this makes me sad

not for long

i'll have her shortly

kids are talking

girls are flirting

silence in my head

gotta get her gotta have her

many times i've imagined

the feeling of her touch

the beating of your heart

days the same, yet its not

there's something different, something new

i feel it inside

can't resist gotta let it go

gotta tell her i want her so

hold her tight my heart is saying

the day is right

your mine tonight

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is for my fiance tiffany, everyday i saw you before and after third hour and i knew i had to have you but i couldnt because you already had a man so i was just stuck and didnt know what to do , it made my day just to see you for that little bit each day and now i see you everyday and i love it
i love you tiffany lynn friedericks- goerner

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