Still Counting

Welcome to My Life

Although it's been two years now,

I know that we've known each other for a long time.

Those rough times we had to endure,

I'm glad that we made it through together.

Laughter and joyful romance kept us closer.

No matter how much trouble we run into,

We will always prevail and break through.

Reching my hand out for you,

You always take it and pull me in close.

All of the days we spent together,

They're the most precious memories I have

And I'll never let them go.

Even though you're not around sometimes,

The smile on my face always grow.

I want to hold you and kiss you so badly,

But I'll be waiting to see you again.

It's gonna be tough when you leave for training,

Just remember that I'll be there in your heart

And waiting for you to come back into my arms.

It's been two years since we began dating

And we're still counting as I'm yours forever.

I love you so much, Chris.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sept. 11, 2014


My 2 year anniversary with my lover <3

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