Hidden Within the Night

A Beautiful Life

My eyes blend within the dark night,

But I can still see my surroundings.

Silence closes my mouth peacefully…

Protection lies within my own stealth.


The footsteps of my own are like whispers,

People can’t hear where it’s coming from.

And when my presence becomes noticed,

I run like the wind into the night.


No one can see my face as my hat covers it,

Letting my hair flow all over my face.

The black sweater veils my upper part,

Leaving my pale legs to look haunted.


When an unknown person tries to ask me out,

I reject them and then make them look away

So I can smile like a twisted version of the Cheshire cat

And disappear into the night like I never existed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 



This happened when I was walking around the city at night.

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