Who I am,
Let’s start with the bad,
I am a person who at the age of 6 got sexually abused by a classmate,
I am a person who lost their godmother/aunt in 6th grade,
I am a person who also just recently lost their dad,
I am a person who has dyslexia,
I am a person who was shy as kid,
I am a person who was an angry child,
I am a person who got shunned by all the other kids in school,
I am a person who never felt in place with the world,
I am a person who never got good grades,
I am a person who always felt more stupid than the other kids,
I am a person who had a family who was out of step sometimes,
I am a person who had my mother get breast cancer,
I am a person who for the last 16 years of my life I can’t list one huge thing that was great,
That may not be all the bad,
But that’s more than enough,
For a life time,
But I have had that in 15 years of my life,
Year 16 is going so so,
There is only so much that can go right,
Maybe 17 will be better,
But the good,
I am a person who has a family who loves one another,
I am a person who has a great support system,
I am a person who cares about everyone equally,
I am a person who has overcome or learned to work with the bad in my life,
I am a person who has a more than great IQ,
I am a person who loves to swim,
I am a person who loves music,
I am a person who loves people,
I am a person who gets along with anyone and anything,
I am a person who is far too mature for my own good,
I am a person who works hard and gets rewarded for it,
I am a person who has goals,
I am a person who is always there to talk to,
I am a person who learns from other peoples mistakes,
I am a person who just knows some things without knowing how I know,
I am a person who puts herself around people who will do the best for her,
I am a person who is successful at anything that I try,
I am a person who has learned that when something bad happens you have to learn how to put that into better context and learn from it,
I am a person who is a thinker,
I am a person who felt what love is,
I am a person who is caring and loving and sweet and generous and smart,
I am a person who is so diverse that I can get along with anyone,
I am a person who is willing to open up to new things and to accept other worlds,
I am a person who loves to look at the stars,
I am a person who loves the simple things in life,
I am a person who doesn’t think money will make everything better just easier,
I am a person who wants the best for everyone else first and myself last,
I am a person who will solve anything I can,
I am a person who loves to laugh,
I am a person who loves to make others laugh,
I am a person who hasn’t become a cocky spoiled little girl,
I am a person who has a great head on my shoulders,
I am a person who is willing to let anyone get to know her if they want they just have to ask,
There is a lot about that is good compared to the bad,
All you have to do is talk with me,
For 30 minutes to an hour,
If are thinking positive and I am,
You will hear my good stories,
If I trust you,
You will hear about everything in my life,
It may seem pointless to you,
But to me some of things I tell you mean so much more,
I just have to feel like you will care enough about it for me to tell you,
Don’t learn about me from other people and say you know me,
Because until you have heard it from me,
You do not know me,
Just talk to me,
And you will learn so much more than you ever expected,
Who I am.