Why can't you see what I want,
I want you,
I’ve tried my hardest,
But you just push me away,
I now think you’re a total ass,
Maybe it was the truth when you said you were vein,
I’m starting to believe that a little bit more,
You didn’t see that you make me the happiest I have been in a while,
Happier than happy,
You get to me to sleep dreaming about you and thinking about you,
That’s all I did,
Now I have nothing,
Without you,
I know you weren’t sure about me,
I’m telling the truth,
I just wanted a friend,
Someone I could go to when I need someone,
A different friend,
Someone who I could connect with on a different level,
Than I can with all my other friends,
I wanted someone unique,
Who stood out,
Who I was proud to be friends with,
That my parents would totally adore,
But now I have nothing,
Because I’m very forward and inexperienced socially,
That hurt me more than I would have thought,
More than you would have expected,
Who knows,
I’m sorry,
I’ll back down and I guess find someone who is you but just not you,
Why can't you see what I want.