You have to work for things to go your way

You have to work for things to go your way,

Sitting around waiting,

Gets you no where,

Poke at things,

Awake the sleeping,

Get the energy going,

And soon be on your way to the way you want your life to flow,


Ya need money to do a bunch of stuff,

Like the saying goes,

Money doesn't grow on trees,

So if you get stuck and need help,


It won't hurt you to get help,

If you do,

You might be on your way to your goals,


Rather than later,

Wise people know when they don't know,

And they know when to ask for help,

Be wise and disturb the sleeping 'ideas',


You have to work for things to go your way.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Random I know, and kind of shitty but oh well.

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