Wasting away,
I sit and watch her go,
She heard so many rude things,
About how people thought she was huge,
I loved her for the way she was,
Not knowing what to do,
She is loosing weight faster and faster,
Each day that goes on,
She used to not eat,
But now she pigs out and rushes to the bathroom,
I know what she is doing,
It makes me feel horrible,
I tell her parents,
They tell her doctor,
She refuses to go to the doctor,
The next thing I know she is in the hospital,
They have to give put a tube inside her to feed her,
But a few days pass,
She has passed away,
At her funeral,
I cry and cry,
Feeling bad for not saying anything,
Wishing she was still here,
I will never forget her,
Wasting away.