Did you have to go,
I didn’t want to lose you,
We were so close,
But I pushed you away,
Making sure I didn’t love,
Even though deep down I knew I wanted to,
Now looking back on the days,
Seeing that I should have fixed it,
But you are gone,
And I have learned,
God please can let there be a second chance,
It’s hard to live on day to day,
Knowing your not a phone call away,
Missing your heart and soul,
Kind smile and cheerful warmth you spread to everyone near you,
Every room you would walk into,
You could light up,
Bringing joy to peoples lives who hardly knew you,
Yet I treated you like trash,
I wish I could forgive you in person,
Even though that will never happen,
Please don’t forget that I care,
And you will always have a place in my heart,
No matter how I am feeling that day,
You will make me cry tears of pain and joy,
Smile a happy smile,
Or smile because it’s hard to keep in the tears,
Just yelling and screaming to get out the anger,
Of knowing that you are gone and I will never be able to be with you again,
I love you,
I miss you,
Don’t forget me,
Because I know I will never forget you,
Did you have to go.