*{Love And Roses}*

It’d be amazing to caress these petals of a rose,

To feel the soft smooth edges.

The thorns dig into my fingers, and I bleed softly again.

How sad and melancholic my days are.


Why is a rose the symbol of love?
I can tell you why now.
The answer is simple.

Love hurts.

To bring pain to those you love, those sweet blossoms you cherished and held,
To subject them to your vile words as sharp as the thorns themselves,

How cruel.


{I read the signs in the clouds as they came to pour their tears,
They warned me of the threats, but I was ignorant and foolish.
My heart of glass has shattered into pieces of deep vermilion,
I have no brush to sweep them all into the palm of my hand.
Why would I anyway?
It’d just mean for them to give me more scars}

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