What if...
I became president tomorrow
Would you be there to support me?
If I took control of the country
To make things better for everyone
To be more secure
More financially stable
More dominant
More powerful
More understanding
More compassionate
Would you be there to be my friend?
What if...
I became a rock star
Would you come to the lot of my shows?
If I was constantly around beautiful women
Knowing that my heart only beats for you
Even if I made millions of dollars
I would know that you love me, and not my paychecks
Because you're the one who doesn’t need material possessions
To make a good living
To have a secure life
To raise beautiful children
I could only dream of being with you
Would you be there to be the one?
What if...
I moved away from here?
Would your heart still belong to me?
To have and to hold
To cherish and to love
To feel happy
To see the light at the end of the tunnel
To get through this gaping hole
To one day, be forever with you
Would you be there to love me, even if it were 700 miles away?
What if…
Tomorrow my life transmuted into a spirit
Would you hold me deep in your heart?
Would you, along with my friends, pour your blessings upon my tomb?
Would you forget me as time went on?
Or would you remember, and never forget?
Would you attend my burial, or turn away because it’s too much pain?
To place that final rose on my casket
To shed your last tears of love
To hold on dear what was once happiness but now shrouded in darkness
To live every day to its fullest
I hope not to see you on the other side just now
Would you still love me?
What if…
I never existed?
Surely your life would be different
You would have never known me
Things would not be the same
You’d go about your life in a totally different fashion
All of our events, would be erased from your memory
Your thoughts, your words, your actions, everything would change
If I never existed, would you even know who I am?