When times get bad, no ones there
How is that…it’s not fair?
I try to be there when they need me most
But all I want is for someone to hold me close
To comfort me and tell me it’ll be ok
To sort out my wounds and get me through the day
But when I’m desperate and have a problem to share
Who is sitting with me….who is there?
To hold me, help me and hug me lots
No-one but my blades to untie the knots
My blades stay faithful, when everyone else gives up
They’re ALWAYS there…they never slip-up
When I’m lonely and hurt, the pain comforts me
So does the blood I smell and see
I hate to have to do it though just to cope
I used to be strong but now I’m losing hope
Will I win this war I’m fighting?
Or will I give up and end it in writing
I need someone to help pull me through this horrible time
To stay by my side so we can help each other through our lifetime
Will I make it or am I not strong enough?
This life I lead is hard and tough.
Help me please….hold me close and never let go
Coz when I’m alone what will happen…we will never know.