For Isi
(3rd February 1993-27th January 2005)
I’m sorry for what happened on that awful day
I remember it just like it was yesterday
The day which came and took your life
Was like a stab in the heart with a very sharp knife
You didn’t want to go and never come back
Your life just suddenly darted off track
You didn’t get a choice, and neither did we
But this is not how any of us wanted it to be
You were a great friend, a smart girl too
With love for everyone, even people you hardly knew
I admired your strength, in everything that hit you
You always kept going even if you didn’t know what to do
You were brave, courageous and hilarious as well
But the breathe was taken from us when you fell
Why you? Why someone so nice and so kind?
With a loveable heart and a sensible mind
Two features not many people have now a days
You thought of others and were there always
A cheery face, a happy smile…hardly never a frown
So you’d cheer me up when I was down
You’d made everyone laugh with your incredible humour
You never called people names or spread a rumour
You wound the teachers up, and that I enjoyed
Not too much, but enough to get them annoyed
You weren’t a bad girl but a funny one indeed
In everything you did, you tried to succeed
You meant so much to us all; family and friends
The friendship was true, no one pretends
You didn’t deserve this tragic end
I lost a piece of my heart not only a friend
Now your gone and are one of the stars
The things that give me hope and not scars
I thank you for everything that you did
And I wish that the time in the past undid
So you were still here with us all who love you
The ones who cared and the ones who stayed true
Through the good and the bad...we all stuck together
I thought we’d all be a team forever and ever
But those thoughts were all cut short
When you lost the battle you so bravely fought
I miss you Isi, I really do
I love thee and am always thinking of you